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Post  globlegoo Wed Aug 21, 2013 8:42 pm

E."The fossiliferous Limestone at the base of this formation is generally well adapted for building and lime-burning, for both of which purposes it is " largely quarried at Galt, Guelph, Elora, and Fergus." At Saint Douglas, on Lake Huron and on the G-rand River, below Paris, beds of hydraulic lime are occasionally found associated with the Shales monster beats 2013 and Limestones of the upper part of the group.From Port Dover exposures of the corniferous formation" occur at Cheap jordan shoes intervals black Grape 5s for sale along the eoast, cheap jordans Shoes easterly, to Monster outlet the termination of the Lake at Fort Erie, and are usually very fossiliferous."Hamilton Shales present themselves at cheap Monster beats by dre outlet several points on the bed of the Sydenham.The Drift Beats by dre outlet which concea's buy black grape 5s the older strata in many parts of Western Canada specially abounds in the Peninsula between the Niagara Bridge and the St. Glair River. " The lower portion of the more monster beats by dr dre outlet recent deposits as exhibited on the shore of Lake Erie, where the cliffs are in many parts over black grapes 150 feet high, is a blue calcareous jordan black Grape 5s clay, frequently holding pebbles and small boulders of limestone, and small rounded frag ments jordan Shoes outlet of granite cheap monster beats outlet or gncissoid rock.

Clay of an ash-grey colour when dried, but pres enting a light-brownish colour in the bed, Jordan shoes for sale succeeds the blue-clay, and this again is overlaid by pale buff and occasionally yellowish tinged clay. Back from the Lakes these clays are capped with a stratum of sand, and the more elevated parts present beds of calcareous gravel."Brick clays, bog iron ore, shell cheap jordan shoes Outlet marl, calcareous tufa, and peat are the economic Cheap monster outlet materials of chief importance connected with this Drift.Fresh-water shell marie were observed at several places-in the Townships of Bentinck and Brant, usually concealed cheap beats Outlet by a rich black vegetable mould, or peat.Springs of Petroleum, called usually oil springs, rise in the River Thames, (near its right bank in Mosa), the bituminous oil, collected on cloths from NFL Jerseys Cheap NFL Jerseys Sale the surface of which, is " used in the neighbourhood as a remedy for cuts and cutaneous diseases in horses.

Similar springs exist in the Township of Enniskillen, where a deposit of mineral pitch monster Beats by dre outlet or mineral caoutchouc is said to extend over several acres on the seventeenth lot of the second concession. (Report for 1850-51, PP. 14-33.)NIAGABA RIVER AND FALLS.The monster Beats outlet 2013 Niagara River, which connects Lakes Erie Beats outlet and Ontario, is cheap beats by dre outlet about 35 miles in length, and has an average width of three quarters of a mile, with an average depth of forty feet. At the point where it issues from Lake Eriethe north-east extremityits banks are low and, being from Black grape 5s one to three miles broad, it looks Air jordan 2013 like a prolongation of the lake, being interspersed with low wooded islands. "This lake-like scenery continues," says Sir Charles Lyell, '' for about fifteen miles, during which the fall of the River scarcely exceeds as many feet, but on reaching the rapids, it descends over a Limestone bed Air jordan shoes about 150 feet in less than Jordans for sale a mile, Monster beats outlet and is then thrown down about 165 feet perpendicularly at the Falls.


Posts : 147
Join date : 2013-04-25

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