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Post  globlegoo Thu Aug 15, 2013 8:03 pm

"Commander," she said. "air jordan shoes Milady," Cramer responded, gripping the offered hand firmly. "Let me introduce you to everyone," she continued, turning to her other guests. "Captain Armstrong, of the Artemis, and her XO, Commander Dallas. Captain Conner, of the Penelope, and his XO, buy black grape 5s Commander Houseman." Cramer was busy shaking hands as she spoke, and she gave him a moment to catch up before monster beats by dre outlet she turned to the members of her own staff who were present. "Captain Lecter, my chief of staff; Commander Adenauer, my ops officer; and Lieutenant Commander Treacher, my logistics officer. And I believe you've already met Lieutenant Archer, my flag lieutenant." It took Cramer a cheap beats outlet few more moments beats outlet to shake all of the newly introduced hands, and cheap monster beats by dre outlet then Michelle nodded towards the large table under its black grape 5s for sale snow white tablecloth and burden of plates, crystal, and gleaming tableware.

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"Now that we've impressed you with my hospitality, Commander," she said dryly, "I suppose we probably ought to get down to business." Cramer nodded politely in acknowledgment, and a trace of true amusement worked its way into her smile. "I've read your reports," she continued, and Gervais knew she truly had read them, not simply skimmed them, after they'd been burst-transmitted jordans for sale to Artemis. "I'm very pleased with what you've managed monster beats outlet 2013 to accomplish here," she went on. "On the other hand, there's not much point any of us pretending that you're in black grapes any position to hold off some sort of serious attack on Tillerman.


Posts : 147
Join date : 2013-04-25

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