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Post  globlegoo Thu Aug 15, 2013 8:01 pm

" Cramer nodded again, and the admiral sipped from her coffee cup again. "Under almost any other set of circumstances, Commander, I would be completely satisfied to leave Tillerman in your care. Given our recent encounter cheap beats outlet with so many Solarian battlecruisers at Monica, however, and given the proximity of both Meyers and Monica to Tillerman, I think we need something a bit more . . . impressive monster beats outlet here in the system. Mind you, I'm not happy about the notion of spreading our forces out in penny black grape 5s packets. We're too thin on the cheap monster beats outlet ground—for the moment, at least—to go around diluting our combat power that way. Unfortunately, I don't see any buy black grape 5s real option here. At least for the foreseeable future, air jordan shoes Tillerman's going to be our most advanced picket in jordan shoes outlet an area where we've already crossed swords with beats outlet a Solarian client state. Given that, it turns the entire region into a potential flashpoint that I believe requires a force which is not simply more powerful than yours but is self-evidently more powerful.

Powerful enough to give any reasonable potential adversary pause. My judgment in that regard represents absolutely no reflection on jordan shoes for sale you, any of your people, monster outlet or the other ships under your command jordan black grape 5s here." She held his eyes levelly, monster beats by dr dre outlet letting him black grape 5s for sale see the sincerity in her own, then twitched her cheap monster outlet head at Jerome Conner. "I'll be returning to Spindle by way of Talbott, Scarlet, Marian, Dresden, and Montana—I think this entire area needs a little reassurance, after what happened in Monica and Vice Admiral cheap jordan shoes O'Malley's recall—but Captain Conner is going to be taking over as Tillerman's senior officer.

I'm detaching his ship and Captain Ning's Romulus. Unless cheap monster beats by dre outlet something changes, I'll be sending up additional destroyers as soon as some of them arrive from Manticore. In the meantime, I'll expect Devastation, Inspired, and Victorious cheap jordans shoes to conduct anti-piracy patrols and generally show the monster beats outlet 2013 flag in this vicinity while Captain Conner's battlecruisers stay home and mind the store. As soon as we can get some more modern destroyers, and possibly a few heavy cruisers, out here to replace you, I'll withdraw your ships to Spindle for a well deserved black grapes rest." "I understand, Milady," Cramer replied, when she paused. It was, Gervais reflected, a rather tactful way for the monster beats by dre outlet admiral to describe pulling the air jordan 2013 older, less capable ships back for secondary duties elsewhere.

"Until we have the hulls in-quadrant to do that, however," she continued after a moment, "I'll expect you jordans for sale to make your own local knowledge and monster beats 2013 advice cheap beats by dre outlet available to Captain beats by dre outlet Conner. It's clear to me from your reports that you haven't let any grass grow under cheap jordan shoes outlet your feet, Commander. The time you've spent making contacts with the local system government, emplacing the system surveillance platforms, and deploying missile pods for defensive use has been very well-used—a point I intend to make in my own report when I unreservedly endorse your actions and conduct here in Tillerman.


Posts : 147
Join date : 2013-04-25

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